Panda King Isopod Setup

I think I have a problem…I can’t stop buying isopods! I found out that my local mom-n-pop pet store actually has even more types of isopods than the other shop I had been going to! Once the worker told me they had panda king isopods I stopped him. I got so excited I started sweating!! I got 6 panda kings for $60, and the worker even threw in a free big container of springtails and some cork bark. A good way to start my morning for sure.

So now, within 2 weeks or so, I have three different types of isopods - zebra, rubber ducky, and panda king. They’re all the ones I find to be the “cutest,” so I’ll probably stick with these ones for a while and see how they do before I venture into more (though the “magic potion” isopods have been calling my name).

The video above is my enclosure setup “tutorial” for my panda kings. It’s virtually the same as my rubber ducky enclosure, except this time I mixed in the limestone and added springtails (I finally added springtails to my rubber ducky enclosure after recording the video). The container I’m keeping them in is fairly small at roughly 12”x6.5”, but I wanted to start smaller so the isopods have an easier time getting to each other. Each of my enclosures are different sizes, so it’ll be interesting to see what’s the sweet spot for colony size vs. enclosure size.

Will do updates on the panda kings as they grow!


Spotted the little guys!


The Rubber Duckies Arrive!