Sad news about the zebras

I’m not really sure what happened, but it seems as if (potentially) my entire zebra isopod colony has passed away suddenly. I always check on my 3 isopod colonies every 3 days, but I’m wondering if with the drier late fall humidity the colony just dried up and withered away. It makes me sad they were my first isopod colony and I’ve had them for months. Now I’m keeping a better check on my rubber ducky and panda king isopod enclosures to make sure they’re well humidified with my spray bottle.

The enclosure will continued to be misted in case there are actually survivors. There’s food in the enclosure, too, just in case. I will keep you all updated if there are any survivors. :(


3D Printed Rubber Ducky Isopod Earrings


Spotted the little guys!